Vertical News

MODEC recognizes the work carried out by Vertical Group as the best service provider in 2023. The result of dedication and commitment over several years.Vertical Offshore congratulates our partners for their Excellence.

VERTICAL GROUP,our exclusive partner for Angola and Africa.

Vertical Group, our exclusive partner for Angola and Africa.

Congratulations to everyone for your professionalism!

(Exclusive interview)

Interview - Luis Felipe Santos - Business Manager at Vertical Group
Excellence is not a destination: it is a continuous journey of improvement
By Julia Vaz

It is with this vision that Vertical Group has been consolidating itself in the oil and gas sector, becoming a reference in services specialized in work at heights in just a few years of activity.

"In 2023 alone, we successfully carried out more than 600 projects, receiving excellent feedback from our customers", highlights Luis Felipe Santos, Business Manager at Vertical Group.

Graduated in Strategic Business Management and specializing in ESG from the Wharton School, with more than 12 years of experience in the oil and energy industry, since 2019 he has managed the company's Commercial, Marketing & Communication departments, where he is also a member of the board of directors for sustainability (ESG).

Oil & Gas Brazil: How did the company come about? In what year?

Luis Felipe Santos: Vertical Group was established in 2017, faced with the need to meet the growing demand for specialized services in working at heights. The company began its journey offering solutions in Regulatory Standards (NRs), more specifically, consultancy services, diagnosis and adjustments to NRs 12, 10 and 13. Over time, it expanded its scope of services to meet complex projects in the areas of marine and industrial inspection, repair and maintenance.

Oil & Gas Brazil: How did the company come about? In what year?

Luis Felipe Santos: Vertical Group was established in 2017, faced with the need to meet the growing demand for specialized services in working at heights. The company began its journey offering solutions in Regulatory Standards (NRs), more specifically, consultancy services, diagnosis and adjustments to NRs 12, 10 and 13. Over time, it expanded its scope of services to meet complex projects in the areas of marine and industrial inspection, repair and maintenance.

Oil & Gas Brasil: Did the company's creators already operate in the oil and gas market?

Luis Felipe Santos: Yes, the founders already had solid experience in the offshore oil and gas sector and in shipyards before establishing the company. This prior experience was fundamental in shaping the vision and direction of Vertical Group, which quickly became a reference in its field, thanks to a team of highly qualified professionals and a strong commitment to safety and excellence.

Oil & Gas Brasil: What was the first big challenge?

Luis Felipe Santos: The first milestone was a contract signed with Modec in 2019, to train specialized labour for offshore operations. It represented an immense challenge, but also an opportunity to demonstrate the quality and safety of our services. Since then, the company has grown consistently, always committed to quality and safety. This commitment was recognized when we received the award as Modec's best service provider in 2023. This honours the hard work of our entire team and reflects the trust that our customers place in us.

Oil & Gas Brazil: What differentiates the company from other competitors?

Luis Felipe Santos: Our operations are guided by safety, quality and socio-environmental responsibility. Our goal is to not only meet, but exceed the expectations of our customers, offering fast and efficient solutions that add value and contribute to the development of sustainable businesses on a large scale. Partnership with our customers is a priority: not just providing maintenance services, but also building lasting relationships based on trust and satisfaction. The commitment to quality permeates all work processes, from project conception to delivery of contracted services. Our ultimate goal is always the complete resolution of what we set out to do, resulting in the total satisfaction of each client. We believe that it is this dedication to excellence, in all aspects of our work, that sets us apart in the market.

Oil & Gas Brazil: What are the most challenging services, which require more qualifications and which make the company a reference?

Luis Felipe Santos: Currently our core business is Class Inspection (UTM), a highly specialized and challenging service, which involves the use of ultrasound technology to evaluate the thickness of vessels' metallic structures, ensuring that they are within safety standards. We also offer a range of complementary services that include the development of personalized Integrity Inspection Plans, the application of the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) methodology to optimize resources and reduce operational costs, the offering of Technical Consulting for Integrity Management and the carrying out of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) to identify possible anomalies or defects in metallic structures.

These services are carried out by our highly experienced team certified by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and Det Norske Veritas (DNV), essential to guarantee the integrity and safety of vessels. Our team is always up to date with the latest technologies and regulations in the sector, ensuring our customers receive innovative and efficient solutions.

Oil & Gas Brazil: Which are most demanded by the oil and gas industry?

Luis Felipe Santos: In 2023, Class Inspection services and rescue at heights and confined spaces, which require high qualification and experience, are essential to guarantee the safety and efficiency of operations. We also had strong demand for cargo handling services and installation, repair and maintenance of metal structures and pipes. These services are crucial to the maintenance and efficient operation of our customers' facilities. In 2023 alone, we successfully carried out more than 600 projects, receiving excellent feedback from our customers.

Oil & Gas Brazil: Which are most demanded by the oil and gas industry?

Luis Felipe Santos: In 2023, Class Inspection services and rescue at heights and confined spaces, which require high qualification and experience, are essential to guarantee the safety and efficiency of operations.

We also had strong demand for cargo handling services and installation, repair and maintenance of metal structures and pipes. These services are crucial to the maintenance and efficient operation of our customers' facilities. In 2023 alone, we successfully carried out more than 600 projects, receiving excellent feedback from our customers.

Luis Felipe Santos: We are proud to have supported the first Rigid Keel Hauling Riser Pull-in operation on FPSO spread mooring in the world. This is an innovative process for installing rigid pipes on oil and gas vessels, which offers greater safety, speed and efficiency compared to the use of flexible pipes. This operation was carried out on the fifth FPSO of the definitive system in the Búzios field, located 180 km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, in the pre-salt of the Santos basin.

Oil & Gas Brazil: Why had it never been carried out?

Luis Felipe Santos: The challenge lies in the technical complexity and the need for specialized equipment, such as an external pulley and high-capacity winches. Furthermore, it requires a highly qualified and experienced team to ensure the safe and efficient execution of the work. The reason this operation has never been done before is that it represents a new and innovative approach in the industry. Vertical Group was able to provide full support in this technique, and the project was a success. This achievement reflects the company's commitment to excellence in all its operations.

Oil & Gas Brazil: You were the first company to carry out rigid riser pull-in in keel hauling on FPSO spread mooring in the world. What is the challenge in this operation?

Oil & Gas Brazil: How did you recently achieve ISO certifications?

Luis Felipe Santos: Achieving certifications International ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 is a significant milestone for us. They are not just recognitions of our efforts, but also validations of our continued commitment to excellence. More than compliance with standards, they reflect the hard work and dedication of the entire team to maintain the highest standards of quality, sustainability and safety in our operations.

Oil & Gas Brazil: What are the biggest lessons learned from this process and the challenges overcome?

Luis Felipe Santos: It was certainly a process of a lot of learning and overcoming challenges. A great learning experience was the importance of commitment to excellence, as this search for ISO certifications led us to question and improve every aspect of our activities. We learned that excellence is not a destination, but a continuous journey of improvement.

Oil & Gas Brazil: What are the biggest challenges in obtaining these certifications?

Luis Felipe Santos: We had to adapt to new standards, implement new procedures and ensure that the entire team was aligned with the objectives. However, each challenge overcome reinforced our determination and commitment to quality, sustainability and safety. Each certification required an in-depth understanding of the corresponding standards and the implementation of rigorous processes to ensure compliance.

We also held special trainings to ensure our team was prepared: these were crucial in ensuring that everyone at Vertical Group understood and was aligned with the high standards required by these certifications. Now, we are looking for a new certification: GPTW (Great Place to Work). I am confident that, with the experience we have gained and the commitment of our team, we will be able to achieve this goal.

Oil & Gas Brazil: The ESG culture is being well built by the company. What led you to look for different projects and initiatives to show the company's commitment to ESG?

Luis Felipe Santos: The decision to pursue different ESG projects and initiatives was motivated by several factors. We are aware that sustainability and social responsibility are fundamental to the long-term success of any company. We want to ensure that we are contributing positively to society and the environment, as well as providing a high quality service to our customers.

We also believe that adopting ESG practices can give us a competitive advantage. Increasingly, customers and investors are prioritizing companies that demonstrate a genuine commitment to sustainability.

My ESG specialization at the Wharton School gave me a deep understanding of the importance of these concepts and how to effectively implement these practices within our organization.

We know that it is essential to not only meet, but exceed our customers’ expectations. Therefore, we are always looking for ways to improve our services and operations, so that we can continue to offer the best to our customers. These certifications were an important step in this continuous journey of growth and improvement.

Lastly, we are committed to being transparent about our practices. We want our stakeholders to know that we are taking our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility seriously and are doing everything we can to continually improve.

Oil & Gas Brazil: Is it complex to consolidate the ESG culture in a company that performs services at heights, high-risk activities and with a strong impact in terms of SMS and quality?

Luis Felipe Santos: There are several challenges. require strict safety procedures and ongoing training to ensure all team members are safe. This emphasizes the social importance of employee well-being. Working at height can have a significant impact on the environment, especially if not managed correctly. We must ensure that our operations comply with best environmental practices. Maintaining service quality in high-risk activities requires a continued commitment to excellence and continuous improvement

Oil & Gas Brazil: What are the main challenges?

Luis Felipe Santos: To overcome these challenges, it is essential to provide adequate training and education for our team. This includes safety training, environmental awareness and quality standards. Another challenge is ensuring that all stakeholders, including employees, customers and the wider community, are engaged and understand the importance of ESG We believe that by facing these challenges head-on, we can make a difference for our employees, our customers and the world around us. We are proud of the progress we have made so far and look forward to continue our sustainability journey.

Oil & Gas Brasil: What are the company’s prospects for the coming years?

Luis Felipe Santos: We are extremely optimistic. We remain committed to providing high-quality solutions for our customers, while raising sustainability standards in our industry.

Oil & Gas Brazil: How can you contribute to making customers more adherent to the energy transition, sustainability, decarbonization, etc.?

Luis Felipe Santos: We believe that the energy transition, sustainability and decarbonization are more than just buzzwords, they are imperative for the future of our planet therefore, we are working to integrate these principles into all aspects of our work. We are investing in technologies and practices that reduce our carbon footprint and increase energy efficiency.

About Vertical Group

The history of Vertical Group has been written in the market as a company specializing in work at heights and serving projects of the most diverse complexities involving naval and industrial inspection, repair and maintenance.

We are a team of dedicated people, who with a lot of passion, build and deliver daily, making Vertical Group happen.

We act with safety, quality, and socio-environmental responsibility when providing services.

We meet our customers' needs quickly and efficiently, adding value and contributing to the development of sustainable businesses on a large scale.

Additionally, we are exploring ways to utilize renewable energy sources in our operations and are working to minimize waste across all of our projects.

We are also committed to providing training and education to our employees, suppliers and customers on the importance of sustainability and decarbonization.

In short, we see a bright future for Vertical Group and the energy industry as a whole.